Sleeping Soundly

Do you find yourself up late at night? Do you have problems waking up in the morning or feel tired during the day? Is it difficult to keep a normal schedule? A lack of sleep is more than just being tired during the day – poor quality sleep can lead to other health issues. Luckily this is an issue you can work on with skills you’ll learn from the Sleeping Soundly Workshop.

Learn Strategies to Sleep Soundly

Psychoeducational workshops via Zoom on Tuesday November 14th and Tuesday November 28th at 5:30PM-6:45PM Eastern Time.

Facilitated by Victoria Bentley LPC

The workshop combines group meetings and support with exercises designed to help you achieve a better night of rest. For maximum flexibility and ease of access, the workshop is delivered through video conferencing – you connect with your group by video.

Check out a preview of the topics and sign up by completing the form at the bottom of this page.

You will learn the necessary skills and information for sleeping soundly, including:

  • Steps that you can take in daily life to improve your rest at night
  • How to measure your quality of rest and factors that impact it
  • How sleeping soundly can improve your academic and personal life
  • For more information email

    All participants must read and sign this Informed Consent document saying they understand the rules of the workshop.

    These workshops are for students only.


    On behalf of your school, Christie Campus Health has partnered with FasPsych to make these workshops available to you at no cost! The workshop is not controlled or supervised by your school’s counseling or wellness services.